DuPont Tychem F
Chemical Resistant GarmentProtection: Type 3 Protection AgainstPressurized Liquid Chemicals, Type 4:Protection Against Liquid Aerosol, : Type 5 ForParticle Tight Clothing, Type 6 For LimitedSplash Protection EN Approved
DuPont garments made of Tychem® F provide strong,lightweight liquid splash protection for law enforcement,emergency medical services (EMS) technicians and militarypersonnel responding to an incident involving chemical,biological or radioactive agents. Easy to use and easy towear, garments made of Tychem® F are lightweight andflexible, and can be folded into small packages for easystorage and portability.Tychem® F is a DuPont proprietary barrier material thathas been available in Europe since 1994. Garments madeof Tychem® F help offer protection against chemical warfareagents and a variety of industrial chemicals. They include
Features such as: taped seams; respirator fit hood; and stormflap with double-sided tape over the zipper. These garments,which are gray for low visibility, are intended for domesticpreparedness situations where the potential for exposureto chemical, biological and radioactive agents exists.Garments made of Tychem® F have been tested by the Soldier andBiological Chemical Command (SBCCOM) in Aberdeen, Md. and the TNO Laboratories in the Netherlands. Garments made of Tychem® F are also listed in the National Institutes of Justice “Guide to Selection of PPE for Emergency Response.”