Venus Make V-2426 Face Mask
Venus V - 2426 Class : FFP2 SL - AC ISI
Comfort Cup style, light weight and large surface area
Suitable Speech communication and Light in weight make it
Comfort for long duration of wear.
Easily worn with other face / head PPE’s.
Multiple Layers
Each Layer with a function of viz Pre-Filter, Fine filter & skin comfort cover media.
High technology Filter media with micro fine fibres& electro static charge.
Outer cover web sheds minimum lint
Suggested Industries and Applications
Paint & Pigments, Battery, Fertilizer, Foundries, Soldering, Textile, Tires Tobacco processing, Nuisance level of Acid Gas, Leather Tanning, Paper processing, Power generation, Construct ion, Petrochemicals, Printing, Sandblasting Dyes & Dyestuffs